Our mission is to follow the command of the Lord Jesus Christ 'to go and make disciples..teaching them to observe all that I commanded you'.   Matthew 28:19-20



What we do…

Online courses.

We host regular online courses and studies, either live on Zoom, on YouTube or as audio podcasts. Our events page is regularly updated with all of our content so it’s worth checking back regularly to keep in the loop. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we send out monthly updates. Click below to see some of our past courses

Home study.

We often release notes with exercises, references and information to complement our current online courses. Home study exercises are released before each new session to give you a chance to read scriptures and make notes on each specific topic of discussion. All exercises are downloadable as PDF’s too, making them easily printable.


We have regular days and weekends away, giving us a chance to dig deeper into God's Word and fellowship with one another. Visit our events page now to see the exciting gatherings that we have planned. We can also come to you and host an event. Contact us to find out more about hosting an event.


““Unless the LORD builds the house they labour in vain who build it””

— Psalm 27 v 1

Desiring Truth is utterly dependant upon the LORD's guidance for His work to be accomplished and so in order that we do not "labour in vain" we would greatly value your prayers for this ministry. If you would like more information about praying for Desiring Truth, please contact us at desiringtruth@icloud.com and we would be delighted to forward prayer requests to you on a regular basis!

If you share our vision of teaching and encouraging people through His Word and would like to support Desiring Truth financially please contact us via the accompanying form. Alternatively, call us on 01285 656565 or click on the donate button below, where there is a facility for you to donate to the work of Desiring Truth.

Should you wish to set up a standing order, our banking details are : Lloyds Bank - Moreton-in-Marsh, Sort Code 30-95-75 Acct Number 20083368 Acct Name Desiring Truth