A Change of Heart

a change of heart

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?

The centre of our being is desperately sick and all the education, all the changes to our environment; all the healthcare and all the wealth of this world will not heal it.

We need a new heart.

Isn't that the truth? Are rich people less wicked? Do they sin less? Are healthy people more loving, do they care more for the sick? Are the educated more responsible - are the intelligent and academic more unselfish? Is the heart of man changed by our civilisation, our culture or are we still rushing headlong into the abyss?

There are more than 200,000 abortions a year in England and Wales. Babies lives matter.

There are still young girls and boys forced into sex industries to satisfy the desires of the wealthy - there is slavery, there is abuse, there is violence,  there are drugs and there is death Poor lives matter

There are women held in bondage, beaten and scarred - there are forced marriages and there is female genital mutilation. Womens' lives matter

There are human beings living through the horror  -  taken from their homes, forced to walk hundreds of miles to live in camps because war rages - because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Refugee lives matter.

There is antisemitism and holocaust - Jewish lives matter

There is rampant discrimination based on colour. Black lives matter

There is severe religious persecution - Christian lives matter

There is wickedness and evil, there is pain and suffering - there is greed and self-love, there is the loss of hope and the desperate cry of the lost - Human lives matter

Who do they matter to? They matter to God, they matter to the Lord Jesus and until we bring people to Him -  hearts will stay desperately sick, deceitful above all else - we will not understand.....and there will be no lasting change.

We need a new heart, and only Christ Jesus can provide it.


Living On Purpose


Beloved By Covenant