

Matthew 7:7-11: It's the start of another year and I am brought back to basics. I need my God. I need Him every day in every way. I need His grace and His mercy and His love. I need His strength and His joy and His peace.


And then I hear Jesus tell me during His Sermon on the Mount that His Father who is in heaven will always give what is good to those who ask Him; He tells me to ask, to knock, to seek and that as I do I will receive and find and the door will be opened.


So at the start of this new year I am asking my Heavenly Father for all that I need. I am asking Him for the grace and the wisdom that only He can provide so that I can be the person that I so long to be. I am asking that He give me the words for those I love who do not yet know Him. I am asking that He will transform me quickly so that they will see Jesus in and through me. I am knocking on the door that I want Him to open so that I can take my family through that door and into His glorious light.


He says He will do it - He promises - and after 25 years of walking with Him I know He will be all that I need and more - I know that He is the Almighty, all sufficient God and that He will not disappoint.


Trust Him this day - ask, seek, knock and receive from Him all the good that He has for you.


A Broad Place


Philippians 1:9-11