But God…


Jacob was head of a pretty dysfunctional family. He was wrong to favour Joseph - it set up a storm of jealousy and hatred in the hearts of his brothers and ended up causing Jacob years of tremendous grief - not to mention the hardships, imprisonment and great difficulties that Joseph ended up facing.


BUT GOD - He causes all things to work together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


If ever we see a verse of Scripture walked out in shoe leather it is this one. God went before Joseph - He was sovereign in it all, in his work for the Egyptian commander, in his refusal to succumb to the advances of his master's wife; in the baker and the cup bearer, in the jailer and in the palace of Pharaoh - there God is at work above and through the schemes of men - bringing about His glorious plan of redemption and salvation for His people Israel.


In the end Joseph can say to his brothers 'you meant it for evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.'


Isn't that what God wants us all to understand - He is GOD ALMIGHTY and nothing is impossible for Him. He will take the brokenness, the failures, the sin and the wickedness - He will take it all and bring about His plans and purposes in our lives - not simply because He loves us, although He does, but so that His glory might be revealed in a world that desperately needs to see His Light.


Oh that I might remember this, when the storms rage, when the fires burn, when all about me seems dark and desperate ......


Oh that I might remember this when I don't understand the situation I find myself in, when I cannot see the next step, when everything is confusing and a little chaotic.....


Oh that I might remember, that I might know deep in the heart of me that God is FOR ME, that He is always at work on my behalf - that He only gives and does and thinks good things towards me and that one day, when I stand before Him and see His face, I will hear Him say - 'come closer My child - for you are Mine and I am yours, I have brought you to this place, especially prepared for you and you will live in the centre of My love for eternity'.


Father, thank You for this truth, thank You for this assurance, for Your precious and magnificent promises that will never fail. Thank You for Your great mercy and love - for the forgiveness and the grace that I find in and through the Lord Jesus, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Friend.


Thank You that Your surpassing great power is always at work towards me and that Your glorious plan for my life is unfolding in just the way You have ordained. 


Picking up my cross…


Psalm 18:30-36