Confusion and chaos abounds...


I expect that, like me, you have been watching the events of our days, noting the speed at which things are changing and the variety of issues that seem to confront us. You may have found yourself wondering what God is doing - does He know, does He care and what is He going to do about it all?

Indeed maybe you are asking - what are we as believers in the Lord Jesus to do? How are we to witness to the grace of God that is found in Christ in the midst of such chaos? This morning as I was pondering some of these questions and asking the Lord for clarity and wisdom, this was what He showed me.....

Confusion is a deliberate ploy from the enemy. At the moment he is using many different ‘factions’, many seemingly disparate events and problems to keep us looking from one to the other - never totally sure how or what will be happening next and unable really to sort it all out in our minds.

I was looking up ‘antifa’, wanting to understand exactly what it is, when it began, who is included etc. and it seemed to me that even within that movement there are so many variables. Then when you think of all the other ‘movements' that are growing up it seems an impossible task to find the clarity we need.

However, I know that God is not a God of confusion and as I prayed this morning I knew that He would make all things clear to me. He showed me that there is a deep unrest and dissatisfaction around the the western world with the ’status quo’; that there are forces that seek to dismantle our society and destroy our culture - a culture that is based actually on Biblical foundations.

I know too that it is all the work of the enemy of our soul who is moving people, governments, movements around as he wishes in an attempt to destroy this world and so prevent the second coming of Christ Jesus. That will of course not be possible and I can only cry Hallelujah as I contemplate the fulfilment of the victory that we will see in Christ on His return.

What joy to know that the Lord will be returning soon and that whatever happens before then we will be protected by the power of God, through faith………1 Peter 1:5

In the meantime, whilst I await Him - I speak truth to my soul whenever I am tempted to anxiety - whenever those seeds of doubt seek to plant themselves in my mind. I know for certain that I am completely unable to face any difficulty - any problem, any trial on my own - that I am weak and in desperate need of the strength of the Lord. But it is also such a relief to know that He will never leave nor forsake me and that He has promised that I can come boldly to His throne of grace for help whenever I need it.

You and I, as believers in the Lord have been given a treasure beyond description - we have been given the actual WORD of the Lord and in it we have been told the end from the beginning. We know that the Lord Jesus is coming back - that when He does we will be with Him and that He will rule and reign on this planet for 1,000 years. We have been assured that after that, He will usher in the new heaven and the new earth and we will spend eternity with Him in glory - what an inheritance - what a future!!!

It is as we keep our eyes upon Him, as we keep focusing on the truth that has set us free - as we keep reminding ourselves that our God is great and mighty, that He is the Sovereign Most High God, that He is Creator and Sustainer of all things - as we remember that He owns this world and that He is working out His plan - a great plan of grace and mercy and redemption for all who will come to Him in repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus. As we use the eye of our faith we will see this world as He sees it and we will not be afraid.

When we think of all that is going on in our world today we must immediately remind ourselves that we belong to the Victor and that we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loved us.

He has promised that He will give us the words that we need to cut through the chaos and to proclaim the gospel of His grace. Trust Him, look to Him, believe Him and then walk on in freedom - hold His hand and He will lead you into a glorious future..........


A Message to the Church


How Shall We Pray