A Heavy Heart - But a Faithful God!

My heart was heavy this morning thinking through all that I have been hearing in these past few weeks; things happening inside the professing church, things that cause the name of the Lord Jesus to be maligned, things done and said by people who call themselves Christians yet trample the Lord's name underfoot. 


I was crying out to the Lord for Him to set us alight by His Spirit so that we burn for holiness, living lives that witness to Him and His glory. I prayed for Him to show us His glory that we might be undone by His majesty and love - that we might be overwhelmed at the depth of His love and then that we, like Paul might be controlled by it - 2 Cor. 5:14.  I was filled with sorrow at the way He has been hurt by His Bride and I asked for His wisdom to know how to order my days and to live righteously for His Kingdom.


Then I read His indictment in Isaiah 1:2-4 and saw that His people have: revolted against Him, not known or understood, acted corruptly, abandoned the Lord, despised the Holy One of Israel and have turned away from Him.


And I cried again 'Oh Lord - how can I walk with You so that those around me see Your glory? How can I speak so that they hear Your truth? How can I love so that they turn to You?'


And then I came to Psalm 52:8-9 and  He answered me with blessing........


'But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever. I will You thanks forever because You have done it and I will wait on Your name for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.'


God has done it - He has planted me in His House and I will trust His lovingkindness forever. I will build my life upon His faithfulness and I will seek Him with all of my heart through all of my days.


I am so thankful that we will be studying the Gospel of Luke from tomorrow - 'Walking with the Son of Man' - the Gospel written for the Gentiles, for me. I am so grateful that He has called me to study and to teach His Word and I am humbled at the way that He gives me His strength and His wisdom - how He takes this earthen vessel and fills it with His Spirit that it might be seen to be Him and not me, His power perfected in my weakness, His glory out of my ashes.


If you are able, do join us at either the morning or evening session or alternatively listen in online. The days are short and He is calling us to return to Him, to know Him and to understand His ways. He is calling us to act humbly and justly, to hold on to Him and to love Him with all that we are; and He is calling us to do that together, because together as His Bride we are the witness to His glory on this earth - Ephesians 3:10


In His love and for His glory..........


Walking with the Son of Man Part 1


Don’t stop building…