New Year, New Song

new year

Happy new year!! We have so many new things happening this year that it is almost impossible to know where to start! 


First, we are negotiating on new premises - four times as large as our current ones and of course four times as expensive! We have sent an email laying out some of the new ventures the Lord has laid on our hearts to implement and to ask folk to undertake a new or increased monthly commitment to make this possible. If you haven't signed up to our mailing list please contact us on: 


We have our first DT conference on 20 January - Sing a New Song - and I am so excited to share what the Lord has given me and to hear Him speak through the pages of His Word - giving us the tune and the lyrics for the praise that will bless His heart.


As I have mentioned before, I read through the Bible every year - have been doing that for about 20 years. Sometimes I fall behind a little but I always catch up so that each year I know that I have read through all that the Lord has chosen to reveal to mankind of Himself and His plan.


This year I have decided that every day I will take something that I feel He has highlighted to me, something I see a little more clearly or deeply and share it, either by video or audio and then load that onto our website and our DT Facebook page. It will be called 'Breadcrumbs' - so please take a look and pass it on so that we really can get the Word out and encourage believers to sit with the Lord every day and listen to Him speak into all of the situations and circumstances of our lives.


We have plans for outreach events and something that we are calling 'intentional evangelism' training. Ways to encourage each other to be aware of all the opportunities that the Lord puts before us to talk about Him and to witness to His great love for this world. 


We will start discipleship classes - to get new or baby believers into the Word, to talk about the importance of prayer and fellowship and to break bread together - encouraging one another in the new, abundant life of faith that we have been born into. 


We hope to open up a Prayer Centre, open every day, so that people are able to drop by and be strengthened through the Word and encouraged, supported and enabled by the powerful grace of God to stand firm and to persevere through all of the everyday trials and difficulties of this life. 


So many plans and so much need which is why we know that Desiring Truth has been raised up by God for such a time as this. We exist to serve the body of Christ - to encourage and edify believers to contend earnestly for the faith and to stand firm in these days when Truth is being trampled in the streets. We want to do that with grace so that we are seen to be not just hearers of the Word but doers also - seen to be like our Lord and Saviour who was Himself 'full of grace and truth' John 1:14


If you feel that the Lord is calling you to join us please let us know - because as I said at the end of my last blog - Desiring Truth needs your gifts, your talents, your time, your energy and your giving. We need all of it so that we can be all that the Lord has called us to be, so that we can effectively witness to the truth of His Word, so that we can show ourselves worthy of His calling and proclaim His excellence.


We need each other, the whole family of God to come together and to live for His glory and in doing so manifest the truth that:


'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to do all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age'. Matthew 28:18-20


Come join us as we sing a new song this year.........


Sing a new Song
