Ordering my ways

reading a bible

A few days ago I was reading 2 Chronicles 27 and came upon this:

'So Jotham became mighty because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God'


It made me stop and think - not because I want to become 'mighty' but because I do want to know that I am in the right place with my Father and that one day, when I stand before Him, I will hear His 'well done'. So I asked - ordering my ways - what would that look like Lord?

This was what I felt He said:


1.Make sure that, come what may, wherever you are, whatever is going on, you sit quietly with Me every morning - reading and listening to My Word. 

2.Do regular study of My Word - so that you are sure of what you teach.

3.Guard your tongue

4.Choose to listen

5.Talk with Me often


Basic stuff I thought: then as I read on in 2 Chronicles 28 I came across Ahaz and read 'For the Lord humbled Judah because of Ahaz, King of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and was very unfaithful to the Lord.


Two opposites - Jotham and Ahaz - each having influence over their people not simply themselves and so I prayed - Father please help me with this 'basic stuff', help me to order my ways; teach me what I am to learn from these two examples and help me to follow through on what You show me.


I am having one of those difficult, painful times at the moment - lots of questions about my ministry, lots of doubts about whether I should be doing what I am doing and who am I doing it for; lots of crying out for the Lord to tell me what He wants so that I don't go off track - so that I stay close to Him.


For these last few days, since reading of Jotham, God has spoken to me through almost everything I have read in my times of quiet in the morning. I have read of Hezekiah who did what was good and right and true and in every work that he began in the service of the Lord, seeking God, he did with all his heart and prospered 31:20-21. But then, after all his acts of faithfulness, the enemy came against him, invaded and besieged the fortified cities.


I knew that God was showing me that the opposition and difficulty that I am experiencing has not come because I have been unfaithful to the Lord or to the work He has set before me and I saw that He is at work in and through me and that every work of His is good. He is allowing the situation I find myself in and He will use it for my good. I saw that He will definitely show me how to go forward - He will prosper me in the way that I want prosperity - that is to grow in my understanding and knowledge of Him and to be made more like Christ every day.


Then, as I read Psalm 25 I was in awe of the fact that though He knows all my sin and all my unworthiness, though He knows the remaining pride in me and all that still needs to be changed, yet He has promised that He will transform me.  One day I will be like my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ and that day will be glorious and full of grace and love. I understood that though I may have to stand and stand firm, God will deliver me from the enemy and He will guard my soul - He will preserve me and I will be forever in His Presence. 


I asked Him some more questions - should I go here, should I do that? Should Desiring Truth go here or do that? To all of the questions His answer was the same - He would go before me, He would lead and direct and He would enable me to do all that He was calling me to do.


And so this morning I was reading of King Josiah who did right in the eyes of God and followed His Word; who led others to do the same thing and brought about a great revival in Judah. But at the end of his reign he took on a battle that was not his to fight and again I heard the Lord - this current battle is not yours to fight Ann, it is Mine. Do not attempt it for I will accomplish what concerns you.


And then Psalm 27 which I cried aloud with tears - 'The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear......'  I knew that though I do not have the strength or the wisdom or the courage to go forward YET my God will take me on.Though I am not fit to do what He has called me to - YET He will enable me. Though I am simply 'me', He is most gloriously 'Him' and I will wait for Him, I will be strong and let my heart take courage - yes I will wait for the Lord!


And what about you? What battle are you thinking of fighting or already in, that actually is the Lord's to fight? What burden are you carrying on your shoulders, what mountain are you climbing - what giant are you facing? Will you sit quietly before the Lord and ask your Father what to do? Will you sit and wait for His answer and then will you determine to listen and do what He says?


He is wonderful and His Word amazing and I will trust Him to take me forward or keep me still - to move me to the right or to the left. I will wait for Him and I know that He will never disappoint and that I can be sure that He has hold of me.


Praise God for His love and for His grace.


Don’t stop building…

