Pray now…


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


We are living through strange times - this particular coronavirus just the latest in a series of trials that have come upon this planet. 


We have seen an escalation of wars, the pitting of nations against each other, conflict within communities, opposing ideologies battling for control.


We have seen fires raging out of control, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, storms, locust plagues drought, famine and now this latest pandemic.


Believers are crying out to God for Him to heal their land - to protect loved ones and to make an end to this plague. Did He send this virus? I don’t know - is it the result of the diseased planet on which we live - absolutely.


Will we see more of this in the years ahead - of course; Jesus has told us that this will all increase but that it will still be only the beginning of birth pangs….  Matthew 24-25


This world is not as it should be - since Adam and Eve chose to rebel against the clear command of God the human race has become more and more polluted - taking the physical world along with it.


Romans 8: 18-23 lays out clearly the groaning and suffering of the creation as it waits for the revealing of the children of God - which will happen of course at the Lord’s return to the planet when His church, His bride, returns with Him.


So what do we do until then? We live for Him. How?


We first make sure that we understand the things of God - that we listen to Him speak through His Word and that we obey what we hear.


How long has the church gone along with the culture in which it lives? How long have we remained silent on issues that are abhorrent to God? How long have we kept our heads below the parapet for fear of sounding intolerant or unloving?


Today the Lord is giving us the opportunity to speak loud and to speak clear - we are being given the time to amend our ways, to seek His face, to renew our minds and to live for His glory. 


Today we have an open door of opportunity to dispense grace and truth. Today we are being called to humble ourselves, to lay aside the sin that so easily entangles and to run the race set before us. 


Today we must PRAY unceasingly - we must pray individually and collectively for the Light of Christ to shine - so that the unbelieving may see Him high and lifted up.


Will you do this? Will you choose this day whom you will serve? Will you make yourself known as the Christian who loves God and lives to honour Him? Will you send messages to friends and family - to neighbours and acquaintances - will you speak the Gospel - will you live the Gospel - will you do all that He calls us to do NOW without fear - with boldness and courage because you know that you are here for such a time as this.


We dare not miss this opportunity - Jesus tells this church - the church that will love and obey Him:


Revelation 3:8 I know your deeds. Behold I have put before you an open door which no-one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept My Word and have not denied My name. …


That’s us dear brothers and sisters - that is the family of Desiring Truth - not only us, thank God, but it includes us and our time is now.


Let’s pray today and tomorrow and the day after…..let’s pray that the whole church in this nation, in the world, will wake up will stand up and will choose to proclaim His excellence. Let’s pray that He will use it for His glory - that He will dispense His mercy and grace through each one of us - that He will empower and enable a great revival through the Gospel of His grace - that many will hear and repent and believe.


Today - will you cry with us to the One who holds the whole world in his hands - will you cry with us to the One who has promised to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or imagine by the power that works within us? 


Today will you pray that He would use us as an instrument for His glory and will you tell Him that you will do anything He asks for the sake of His name.


This came to me from someone who prays with a few others for this ministry:


‘In the last prayer notes for DT I put the shortened version of one of my prayers. In the full version!! I saw a picture of lots of lights over this land but they weren’t moving. I thought at the time it was because they were being insular and not sharing the word but The Lord showed me this morning as I prayed that of course the reason they are not moving is because they are in isolation! They can’t mix! He said it was a call to prayer - where they are, in their homes’.


Praise God that He would use us, that He has placed us here, now, for such a time as this and do please send us through your words from the Lord, reflections, thoughts etc so that we might encourage one another.


If you are not already on our DT Prayer WhatsApp then please email your mobile number to 


Walking with the Son of Man - Part 2 - Session 9

