Psalm 27


I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.....what an amazing statement David makes here and how often I could say the same thing! 


So often, I would have despaired unless I had known the truth of the Lord Jesus; I would have given up unless I had known that He was real and alive and that one day, maybe one day very soon, He will stand upon this earth and I will stand with Him.


That's what David knew and so he preached truth to his own soul and from the beginning of this song - the song that the Lord had given him, he could say....'The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defence of my life; Whom shall I dread?


We need to sing this song, we need to sing this song with David - we need to sing this song with each-other and we need to sing it loud and sing it clear so that we are enabled to stand firm in these days of great trial and lift high the wonderful, majestic, glorious name of our Saviour. 


You and I are here 'for such a time as this', we are called to make known the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are called to 'proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvellous light'. We are called to do this in the face of an enemy who seems overwhelming, in a world that is governed by the 'prince of the power of the air' and who is so consistently and powerfully at work in the sons of disobedience.


We need to sing this song as we preach the gospel - sing it as we snatch folk from the fires, sing as we pick up the sword of the Spirit, sing as we wield it in the power of that same Spirit, as we do our part to encourage and build up the body of christ.


We need to sing this song in the dark places, in a world that is confused and in chaos - we need to sing in the ears of people who don't know up from down, who are being deceived and corrupted - polluted with the lies of the enemy who says that marriage and family and gender are all just exactly what 'you' want them to be - an enemy who is shouting lies into the ears of his captives - leading them deeper and deeper into caves of wickedness and enslaving them to do his will. 


We need to sing this song as we wait, as we hope, as we trust that the Lord is coming, that the day will soon dawn when 'every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord'.


Find a choir to sing with, a fellowship of the 'burning heart' so that together we can make a glorious noise that will reach to the heavens, that will resound throughout creation - a song that will call to the hearts of all who hear it and draw them into the eternal, victorious, wonderful family of the living God.


Sing with me..............



