Ready for War?


1 Chronicles 7:1-12


Are we mighty men of valour? Are we ready to go out with the army to war? Satan has claimed many victories and he is even now corrupting the minds of our young people. He is presenting great perversion as desirable and encouraging humanity into the abyss.


The world is pushing and pulling and squeezing us into its mold. It is readying itself for an all out attack on several fronts - economic, military and political....We are at the mercy of its armies unless we make ourselves ready to fight.


Do you know you are in a war? Do you know that the three enemies of the Christian are gearing up? Can you feel the pull of your flesh, the old man, that is constantly luring you into feeding the lusts of your flesh?


These things are not imaginary, they are not jokes - they are real and powerful enemies and you will not stand if you are not prepared!


So I ask again - will you be counted as a mighty man of valour? Will you be ready to go to war?


What must you do now, today?


You must know your enemies, recognise their tactics and understand that God has already provided all that you need to stand firm and fight.


In Joshua 24 we read an account of all that the Lord had done to bring the Israelites into the land He promised them. Then in verse 15 Joshua tells them to choose their King, to know His ways, His plans and His purpose and align themselves with it.


For us, as believers,  we have already chosen our King - His name is Jesus. We know all that He has already done and can read it throughout the New Testament. Take a moment to read through Ephesians 1 then go on to chapter 6 and do what the Lord tells you - put on the full armour of God and take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Then use it - against Satan as he brings his lies and his accusations,; against the world as it tries to make you think that its philosophies are correct and against your own flesh when the temptation to satisfy its lust comes in like a flood.


Read 2 Timothy 1:7-14 and know that you have bee given a spirit of power and love and discipline - do not be ashamed - be ready to suffer for what you know to be true and for the great joy of bringing glory to God.


Read 2 Timothy 2:1-7 and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus - know that grace, experience its power - stand firm in it and speak it out. The Gospel is the powerful grace of God, you were saved by it, you are  being sanctified by it and will be glorified in it when you see Him face to face.


Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and see a description of the days in which we live - but see too in verses 15-17 that you have been given Scripture to equip you for war.


Read 2 Timothy 4:1-5 and fight - speak out the truth, wield the sword against your enemies and proclaim His amazing, magnificent, redeeming grace - shout out the  powerful, dynamic word of God and lay hold of the victory that the Lord has already won for us!


Now is the time to stand, now is the time to speak - now is the time to fight - are you ready?



