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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos


I was reading Luke this morning - chapter 9 and I came to the account of the Transfiguration. Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop and they were 'speaking of His departure that He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem'.

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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos


It is beautiful outside today - the sun is shining, the air is warm and it seems as if everywhere I look the blossom is exploding in riotous colour - magnolia, cherry, camellia - the trees are bursting with new life and I can almost hear them singing 'hallelujah' to the Lord who brought light out of darkness, life out of death.

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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos

Heavenly Perspective

I have been reading through the account of Joseph and his family, an account littered with difficult trials and tests - first for Joseph and now here for his brothers. I can also see that God had a glorious plan - a plan to protect and make secure the family that would become a nation - the people who were to live for His glory and witness to His greatness in the world.

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