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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos

Seize the day

The account of Balaam in Numbers 22-24 is a strange one - a prophet of God, hired by Balak, King of Moab, to curse God's people but who finds of course that those whom God has blessed cannot be cursed - by anyone!

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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos

And suddenly...December

It's cold outside - almost freezing and its becoming easier to imagine snow falling on Christmas Day. Where did the summer go? Where the autumn? How is it that without even a blink of an eye we are suddenly propelled into the celebrations - street lights, trees and tinsel; parties, presents and pastries?

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Blog Cynneth Bonanos Blog Cynneth Bonanos

Speaking blessing

I read Numbers 6:24-27 just the other day and was caught by the last verse. I'm sure I have read it many times before but somehow God wanted to show me something else, something new in it

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