Unpacking Grace


1 Corinthians 15:10


Paul has just finished laying out the gospel which he preached and which his readers, the believers in Corinth, had received. He goes on to explain how he came to be an apostle, how he came to be saved. He describes himself as the least of the apostles, someone who did not deserve the grace of God but nonetheless that he had received it and was now experiencing its power.


'By the grace of God I am what I am..' Whatever I am, whatever I do, no matter my position, my title, my skills or even my gifts - it is all because of and by the power of God's grace. And more - His grace has not only transformed me, it has not only made me what I am today - not only caused me to be born again, made me a new creation in Christ Jesus, adopted me into the family of God it is also, currently and continuously, enabling me to labour - enabling me to give my time, my energy, my dreams, my very life to the proclamation of the gospel of the grace of God that has saved me.


He will go on in this chapter to fully explain the ramifications of the resurrection of Christ Jesus finishing with a shout of joy ....but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what I want - I want to unpack this powerful, enabling grace and see the victory that is mine in Christ. I want to savour that victory and to walk in it - to understand the very great power of God who is at work towards and in and through me , the God who has promised that I will stand with Him in glory because of His amazing grace.


Do you want to know the victory of God? Do you want to unpack His grace, unfold the layers, try on the garments of His salvation? Then come join us at the Dt Centre on 15 July - join us as we seek to know His glorious grace so that we are able to be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that our work is not in vain.


See you there.


He set my feet upon a rock


We need a vision of glory