Listen - wisdom is calling…


Proverbs 8:1 Does not wisdom call and understanding lift up her voice? On top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet she takes her stand....


Where the paths meet, wisdom calls........


I have been pondering this description in Proverbs every day for a while now in light of the fear that surrounds the coronavirus. I have been thinking and praying and asking the Lord for wisdom so that I do not take the wrong turn, the wrong path and begin to focus my attention on the peril, on the unknown, on the danger and on the fear. 


I have read many reports, from inside and outside of the church - I've listened to statistics and heard the alarms and I have had to remind myself to stay with the Lord and to trust, simply trust, that He is in control. 


This morning as I moved on into Proverbs 9 I asked the Lord to help me; to help me to do the right thing, to do my part to bring His peace and His joy, His wisdom into every situation and every conversation. I asked Him to help me to stay close to Him throughout and to enable me to help those who are afraid - to help them to turn to Him.


And as I came to Proverbs 9:13-18 this is what He said:


Don't turn in to the 'way of folly'; don't listen to the cry of the enemy calling you into a trap of death. Seek wisdom, seek truth, submit to God, run after Him, because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Understand that He alone can protect, that this world is in His hands - that the enemy of your soul is constantly attacking your mind to keep you from trusting the Lord and living in His peace.


Keep seeking Him, keep learning of Him, choosing His way, loving His Word. Keep surrendering all that you are and receiving His strength to stand firm against the deception, against the lies, against the flaming arrows of the enemy who seeks to bring you down to death - the enemy who is 'calling to those who pass by, who are making their paths straight'.


Father please give us the eyes to see Your path and the strength to walk along it. Please give us the wisdom to keep seeking the things above and the understanding that it is not the length of the life we live but the way that we live the life You give.


To You be the glory........


Proverbs 10:24


Psalm 32