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Changing times
I have just returned from my trip to Israel, full of the joy of the Lord - amazed at His grace and compassion, filled with the wonder of this unchanging, glorious, covenant keeping God and zealous to proclaim His excellence. I learned much - about myself, which was sometimes hard but also so liberating; about Israel, a land and a people with such a passion and purpose and about the Museum of the Bible, a vision so exciting and challenging that it almost takes your breath away in its scope.
New Moves
I'm off to Israel today for a week, invited by an organisation from the US called Museum of the Bible. The museum, currently under construction in Washington DC is due to open later this year and will be 430,000 square feet over eight floors providing an 'immersive and personalized experience as visitors explore the history, narrative and impact of the Bible'.
Simply obey
Luke 17:1-10 I think I've always read this and seen in it only the faith like a mustard seed that could uproot a mulberry tree and plant it in the sea - and of course concluded that I too, just like those apostles, needed more faith - indeed a lot more faith!
The Lord who speaks
We held the first of a two part teaching on Faith in the Midst of Suffering yesterday and as usual I thoroughly enjoyed the day, although I am always mindful of the fact that as I always enjoy speaking and teaching about the Lord and His Word, it is a joy to my soul to hear that others have been encouraged and edified by His Spirit.
Overcoming Depression and Anxiety
Have you woken up this morning feeling that same cloud of doom and depression surrounding you? Are you finding yourself confused or sad? This is a message for you.
Psalm 46; Hebrews 11; 2 Corinthians 1
Isn’t it amazing that the first line in this Psalm explains so much - the fact that God is our refuge and strength shows us that we are not immune from troubles and problems. The abundant life that Jesus offered us is not a troublefree life.
Matthew 13:44-46
Jesus spoke many parables - both to reveal and to conceal who He is. Often He said 'those who have ears let him hear' and we know that He explained to His disciples that for those with hard hearts the parables would only harden their hearts further - but for those who truly wanted to know the truth they would be like windows through which the light would shine.