Fellowship of the burning heart..


I can't quite believe that it has been almost a month since I posted here - time just seems to slip through my fingers these days. I have been busy though as Desiring Truth is looking to move - we are having to find larger premises to accommodate the number of people who are now attending the regular weekly studies and also the conferences and seminars that are going on monthly. This is great news of course and we are currently praying for a place that we have identified in Cirencester which is where we are based. It is about four times the size of our current place and of course four times as expensive but we know that the Lord is in it and He will provide all that we need and more because He is the God who does exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or imagine - Eph. 3:20 As if that were not enough, He has given us pictures and Scriptures, words of knowledge and answers through prayer to show us His will and to lead and direct us in the path we should walk.


This, as you can imagine is both exciting and challenging all at the same time yet we are convinced that there is such a need in these last days - in what I think are actually the last hours of the last days - to proclaim the magnificence of Christ Jesus, to lift up His name and His mighty conquering Word and to equip and encourage believers to live for His glory.


To this end I would like to ask you to pray and to pray earnestly; to seek the Lord and His will in this and to stand with us as we lean on Him and trust in His grace towards us. The world is in a desperate state, the creation is groaning and people are perishing. Now perhaps more than any other time in history we need to be people who stand on His Word, who stand for the Truth and who are unafraid to proclaim the excellence of Christ Jesus.


We need to wake up and to decide that we will no longer go with the flow - we will no longer be satisfied with luke-warm Christianity and with worship that focuses on 'me' and not on the Lord. We must decide that we will not waste one more moment but instead we will believe that His plan and purpose will be worked out in and through each one of us, His people. We must choose to align ourselves with the revealed will of God - that Christ is coming and He is coming soon and that we are to walk worthy of His calling until He comes.


I have spoken before of the 'fellowship of the burning heart' and I am asking you to pray that the Lord will light a fire in your heart, that He will draw you into this fellowship and that it will be your heart's desire to support this ministry both in prayer and also by becoming a partner with Desiring Truth. In 1 Chronicles 29:9 we read that the people rejoiced because they had offered willingly to the building of the temple and in verse 14, we hear David's prayer - ...'but who am I and who are my people that we should be able to give as generously as this? For all things come from You and from Your hand we have given You.'


As the hurricanes rage and the fires blaze - as the earth quakes and the nations roar do not be afraid - our God is on the throne...


'Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs, He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with Him.' Daniel 2:20-22



