

Psalm 29; Ephesians 3:20-4:3

What an amazing proclamation of the glory of the Lord we have in Psalm 29. An incredible shout of praise to the indescribable Sovereign God.


He is the God of glory and His voice thunders. His voice is powerful and majestic and hews out flames of fire. His voice shakes the wilderness and makes the deer calve - His voice

strips the forest bare and in His temple everything says 'Glory!'.


As you sit with the Word of God and hear His voice does it bring forth from you a shout of 'glory!' and does it cause you to worship Him in holy attire? Does it cause you to long to walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called?


Paul, like David, is overcome with the majesty and power - the glory of the holy God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think. He is amazed at the One who would redeem us, forgive us and bless us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ and he wants us to understand the lavish grace of this God who would call us out of darkness into His marvelous light and who would seal us with His Spirit as a pledge of our incredible inheritance in Christ.  


He wants us to know this, not solely so that we would be assured and encouraged and have our hearts lifted up, but also so that we would understand that this God is powerful enough to enable us to live worthy of the calling with which we have been called. He wants us to know that this God, the One who can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we could ask or imagine is more than able to enable us to live holy lives.


And so he continues - please walk worthy - please manifest the character of your God - please live with humility and gentleness - please be patient and show tolerance for one another in love. Please do this for and by His abundant powerful grace and in this way you will show Him to be magnificent in glory; you will reveal Him as the holy, holy,  holy God that He is, the One who was and who is and who is to come. 


You and I are here on the planet to represent our King. We are the light of the world, a city set on a hill; we are the salt that preserves and sweet fragrance of Christ. We are the ones who must  proclaim His glory - the ones who reveal His magnificence to a world that

is lost in darkness. And He has promised that though we are weak and broken vessels He will enable us to do exceeding abundantly beyond anything we could ever imagine through His all sufficient grace.


Read His Word and hear to His voice as it thunders through the pages - ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name and worship Him in holy attire.


Fellowship of the burning heart..


I Want to See Jesus