I Want to See Jesus


Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus. To reach out and touch Him and say that we love Him.


The words of this song keep running through my mind as I am writing Vision of Glory for the September conference at Lane End in Buckinghamshire. I want to see Jesus - not as I imagine Him but as He is, high and lifted up, resplendent in majesty and glorious in beauty. I want to see Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. I want to see Jesus the mighty, Sovereign, Creator God, the One who was and who is and who is to come. I want to see Him and hear Him and sit at His feet and listen to Him speak great and mighty things that I have not known.


I want to see Jesus because I want to worship Him as He is. I want to know His way, His truth and His life - I want to serve Him and honour Him and manifest the sweet aroma of Christ in every place. I want to see Jesus and I want us all to see Him as He is - as He really is.


I am overwhelmed with sorrow if I look at my world. I am at a loss to know how we got to this place of unimaginable horror, how we allowed the darkness to come in like a flood and how we stood by as the enemy of our souls brought his great deception into our schools, our families even our churches.  I have no idea how to stop the ones that I love from running headlong into the abyss. I need to see Jesus. I need to know His face - I need to kneel at His throne and bring Him all that I am and all that I have as an offering to the One who gave His all for me. I need to see Jesus, we need to see Jesus high and lifted up. We need to see Him and hear His voice and we need to go out in the strength of His might - we need to go out in the victory He has won and we need to go out together as a mighty conquering army.


I want to see Jesus, I need to see Jesus, I long to see Jesus. Don't you?




If you want to see Jesus then please consider coming to our conference - Vision of Glory - on 16/17 September, you can find details on this website or call 01285 656565 for more information.




Victory assured