Victory assured


I have started writing short posts on the DT Facebook page that I have called 'Standing on the Word'. I aim to post every two or three days and so far they have been taken from a Scripture I have read that morning. But today I used something from 2 Chronicles 14 that I read a while ago and married it with another verse that suddenly popped into my head from 2 Corinthians 2:14. This is what I wrote:


2 Chron.14:11 Life is full of battles, full of decisions and difficult choices and we are so often hampered by an unseen, powerful enemy who seeks to steal our joy and create doubt and fear. BUT GOD always leads us in triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Cor. 2:14 Therefore we go out in His name, trusting His promises and rejoicing in the victory that is just a step away. Standing on the Word


In my mind were the questions that I have been asking the Lord about Desiring Truth. Questions about the fact that we need bigger premises, questions about who we will find to take on the IT and digital marketing requirements that we are in desperate need of and of course questions about the dreaded subject of how we will fund it all. I have been quite bogged down in it for some time now because our desire is to grow, to enlarge our boundaries, to spread the Word of God as far and as wide as we can - to proclaim Christ and to manifest His glory in every corner of this United Kingdom and beyond - wherever He may lead us.


Today, yet again it has consumed my prayers because I so long to encourage and edify the body of Christ, so long to speak about our magnificent Saviour, how wonderful His plan and purpose and how powerful His amazing grace that will accomplish all that concerns us. And there it was.....


In my crying out to Him for the answers to all of the questions, I had completely forgotten to trust His perfect timing, completely forgotten that He is in control, that He leads the way, that He has set the desire to honour and serve Him in my heart and therefore I can be absolutely sure that He will give me those desires. I had somehow been so consumed with the questions and requests that I had forgotten that I must stand on His Word trusting that He will do it, trusting that in fact He will do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think!


So today I am standing on the Word - knowing that He is the Lord of Hosts and that nothing can prevail against Him. Today I know that He will do it - He will enable me to honour Him and lift up the name of the Lord Jesus because He has created that work in advance for me to walk in - in fact as I walk He has promised that He will always lead me in triumph in Christ.


I can hardly wait - yet I wait - and as I wait, I stand. What about you? What issue, what question, what problem do you keep bringing to the Lord - keep turning over in your mind trying to find the solution? Will you join me today and stand on His Word? Will you decide this day to trust that His promises are 'yeah and amen' in Christ for you and for me and that together we will glorify His name as we wait patiently for His plan to unfold and for Him to show us the next step.


I Want to See Jesus


Do you know what time it is?