Your Presence

tree lake

'Your Presence' - Rosie Short


Will I smell You, will I see You?

Will I sense You, will I hear You?

Will I touch You, will I know You?

And in the room, are You near me, are you in the gloom?

Are You still, or moving round me?

Are You breathing, are You smiling?

Is there joy, are You weeping?


Is Your heart beating, is it heavy,

Does it long for me?

Do You remember Your call to ‘come’?

Do You know I am here, can You feel my fear,

That I have missed You somewhere

Coming to a place where You are not?

And I am duped and here alone?

What do I do to know that this is right?

That You are, because I am?


If I am, then are You? Are You closer

Just because I’ve come through

To meet with You, were You always here?

Always near, waiting for my fingers to

reach out in faith, in darkness

To find You, touch You,

Hold You and draw near.....


I breath in.


Psalm 146

