

We've put up a calendar on our website and on it are the conference dates, the regular classes, the prayer times....all the things that DT are currently involved in. Take a look and make a date to come and be with us as we seek to proclaim the excellence of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light. 1 Peter2:9


Notice that there's an old thing happening on a different day! We have decided to meet together every four weeks or so, on a Wednesday morning to pray - to pray for the ministry, for the church, for our nation. Join us as we beseech the Lord, as we align ourselves with His revealed will and to ask Him to empower us to be and to do all that He has left us here on the planet to do.


We live in desperate times - as I write, the Asher Bakery case is up before the Supreme Court and the decision that is made will affect each one of us, in fact every person in this country. What is at stake is nothing less than our freedom as Christians to say 'no' to whatever goes against the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Make no mistake we are now in the midst of the battle - the enemy is mighty and he is coming in like a flood - but in the words of an old song that I love - 'but he is defeated by one drop of blood'. Christ's blood shed for us, Christ's blood that washes over us and makes us clean - His blood that has redeemed us and is transforming us - the precious blood of our Saviour that has set us free!


Please do join us at one of the soon coming day conferences - Finally Free in South Cerney and Powerfully Transformed at URC Brockworth in Gloucestershire. I have actually just finished writing them both and am so excited at all that the Lord has shown me.


Come along and bring a friend - this is the time when believers need to be strengthened in the truth, when we need to fully understand the 'surpassing great power that is at work towards those who believe'. It is a time to really lay hold of the freedom that Christ has brought us in to and to determine to live in that freedom. It is a time to finally and completely surrender our lives to the One who surrendered His all for us. As I write that it sounds familiar - I'm sure I have said that recently on a blog - so please forgive the repetition but please determine that you will come and join us and that you will catch hold of one or two friends and bring them too.


And don't stop with believers - bring a friend who needs to know Jesus - who needs to understand the great love of God that is found in Him. Bring someone who needs to know salvation - who is without hope and does not know for themselves the wonderful peace and joy that is found only in Him.


Also don't forget that we need you! Decide that you will 'throw your hat into the ring' with us. Come and help at our soon to be Prayer Centre. Come and help with our hospitality ministry, with our fellowship groups, with our recording ministry, with our worship........we are a growing ministry and we need your help! 


Time is short, life is hard, people are without hope and we know the risen Christ! Won't you help us to make Him known...?


Now to Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21




Making Disciples