Making Disciples


Should have been teaching the regular weekly classes today - seems an age since we were together - this cough/cold/whatever it is has taken its toll and yet another week goes by with me feeling rather poorly.


So I thought I would sit and get on with some writing - for the upcoming Day conferences and for the Breadcrumbs videos that go out twice a week. I thought too I would ask for you to share what you see or hear so that we can get the Word out to more people - so that more and more believers would see and understand their great need for God's Word and the great transforming power that it contains.


Check out our website - invite friends along to events - make a decision to join one of our fellowship groups or to come to one of the regular classes. We are currently taking a look at 1 Corinthians called Resurrection Life - it has another 7 weeks to run and then we will be moving on into a new study on discipleship - on being a disciple and making disciples and the very great urgency for both in these last hours of the last days.


My fifth grandchild was born in the early hours of Monday morning - such gifts from the Lord and each one a delight and a joy - an example of the blessing of God on my life and a reason for me to continue; to keep on keeping on with what I know to be the most important calling on my life: to honour the Lord God, to proclaim His marvellous salvation, to exalt the name of my Redeemer, my Saviour, my Lord Jesus Christ and to live for His glory. 


It is so easy for us to be distracted by good things and bad. So easy for us to think that all things will continue just as they are forever - that our lives will carry on until one day we die and go to be with the Lord. It is so easy to forget that our great and mighty God has a plan and a purpose for this world - that a time is coming - a time of judgment, a time of reckoning, a time when God will be honoured as God and all men will have to face the One who gave them life. A time coming when there will be no more of the same old , same old existence - when a new Kingdom will be inaugurated on this planet - the Kingdom of God in physical form  - a time when all men will bow before the Lord Jesus. 


The time we have now is the 'age of grace' - the age when we have the possibility of making disciples - of bringing people into the wonderful salvation that God offers. We have a mighty commission, a life work, and we dare not forget that it is the reason we live - for the souls of those around us depend on our remembering.


God has chosen to speak His Gospel through us, He has chosen to leave the work of discipleship to us - it is His gift to us, that we are enabled to join in His plan and purpose for the planet and those who live upon it. Do not allow yourself to be so distracted by the things of this world that you forget that Jesus is building His church through you and that His promise is that the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.


Be involved in His work - be thankful for the opportunity, rejoice, pray, study, read, fellowship, speak forth His gospel - be at work for Him until He comes and calls us to Himself and we stand before Him in glory - be about His business and praise His name that He would call you to it.


I hope to see you sometime soon - at a regular study group, at a fellowship group, at a DT day conference - I hope that you see me or hear me online, not because I have anything to commend me except His mighty Word and the Spirit who gives us understanding of it - but in the hope that you will pass it on, share what you read and hear and in that process be making disciples, teaching them to do all that He commanded and remembering that lo, He is with us always, even to the end of the age.




The Spirit and the bride say 'Come'