The Spirit and the bride say 'Come'


It's been quite a while since my last post - I guess things are just busier, the Breadcrumbs series needs putting together and then recording - all the day conferences and residential weekends come rushing up thick and fast and somehow with the regular study classes time seems to disappear. 


We are trying as you know to find larger premises, wanting to get going on some new courses and various programmes that will build up and encourage the body of Christ. Changes are being made almost daily to our website - a new calendar will soon be online so that you can make plans to be with us. We long for the church to be ready, to be manifesting His glory as the days get darker and His second coming approaches fast.


Our hearts are on fire for Him, He has set them burning with a desire to know Him better and love Him more - a desire to speak about Him and to proclaim His excellence, a desire to live for His glory - to lift His name and to really BE His disciples so that we can actually fulfil the commission He left us with - to make disciples.


There are plenty of things to write about of course because our God is always at work, always at work FOR us and always at work transforming us into the image of our beloved Saviour. To us His work often seems too slow a process, seems to be difficult and requires so much perseverance but of course His timing is perfect, His ways not ours and His goal always that we would be brought to that completeness in Christ that He has promised. 


So this is a brief call to arms - a cry from my heart to yours that you would decide to follow Jesus, come what may. That you would let Him set your heart ablaze - that you would indeed surrender every last vestige of your will to the One who surrendered to His Father for you.


Will you come to Him and ask Him to make you ready, to give you the tools, the weapons that you will need to fight in these final days? Will you listen to His voice as He weeps over the state of this world, will you hear His cry that many would come to repentance, His cry that the fields are white unto harvest and where are the labourers? Would you determine to be that labourer - that you will do whatever it takes to shine in the darkness with the light of His truth?


Will you go all out for Christ Jesus? Will you give Him everything, all of yourself, so that He can use it to bring about a final great revival in our land? Will you join with us - with Desiring Truth - will you bring along your friends, your family, your neighbours, your work colleagues - will you decide that every single person you know needs Jesus and that you are the one that He has put in their path to speak of Him?


Will you ask your great and mighty God to make you like Christ - the One who was full of grace and truth? Will you ask your Father to fill you up to overflowing with His powerful, life giving, Spirit so that you are enabled and empowered to witness to the wonderful Saviour of the world? 


Will you do this and will you do this now - this Good Friday as you wait with the hope that is within knowing that Resurrection Sunday will soon be here - will you do and be and think and dream and speak and act and love and live for Christ and Him alone?


He is coming and He is coming soon -


'The Spirit and the bride say 'Come'. And let the one who hears say 'Come'. And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes to take the water of life without cost.

Rev. 22:17


Making Disciples


Picking up my cross…